
F3 F4 F5 F1 E1 E2 E3 GardenHall G1 GardenLounge G2 (G3-G10 Breakouts) C1 ConservatoryGallery C-Lounge F2 F-Lounge E-Lounge FrontDesk Elevators 16th Floor


A common lounge on the the 27th floor features natural light and a seating area.
Room Details:

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Event Start Date
Event End Date
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Event Type:
Food & Beverage Requirements
** Eg. Breakfast and Breaks, Lunch, Receptions, etc. Please note that the hospitality package is the minimum Food and Beverage requirement. (excluding evening functions)
AV Options:
Additional AV Requirements:
For quotes on AV productions outside of Vantage Venues, Visit   SMPAV
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